
This is my Web Development Portfolio. Here I am showcasing my most involved and important projects that demonstrate my experience in web design, ux design, front-end development, etc. If you would like to view the github for each project, please click on the picture. Thank you!

Shay Howe

Technology: HTML, CSS

Description: A website that I created after reading and following the detailed lessons and intructions provided by the Shaye Howe HTML tutorial. I made a page for each stage of the website to demonstrate my understanding

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Technology: JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Description: This is a rock paper scissors game that the user can play with the computer. I created this program after learning JavaScript to practice and demonstrate my skills.


Technology: JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Description: A rudimentary JavaScript program that I created when I first began to learn programming

Song Time Calculator

Technology: Ruby

Description: A program I created to understand the ruby programming language.

Latest WordPress Project

Company: A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth

Technology: HTML, CSS

Description: The is a WordPress website that I re-designed for a non-profit in the fall of 2017. The Project Director, Barb Biondo requested and approved this design. Note: Despite the approval of the previous Director, as of 2018 the new ABSPY Project Coordinator, Jenny Frankl has yet to launch the finished product.

She's Coding Project

Company: She's Coding

Technology: HTML, CSS, git, github

Description: A group project to re-design the front-end for the she's coding website. It involved wire-framing, user-experience, user-interface, and team collaboration remotely and in-person.

Floodgate Academy Project

Company: Floodgate Academy, Seattle, WA

Technology: HTML, CSS, git, github

Description: This is a basic e-commerce website that I created while using an image of the desired design and coding the front-end from scratch.

Previous Portfolio

Technology: HTML, CSS, git, github

Description: The first portfolio I made when I began to pursue programming as a career and hard coded my first portfolio after learning HTML and CSS from college courses, Journalistic Design Principles, Free Code Camp, Codecademy, Lynda, workshops, meetups and many other forms of education.